Mary Taylor Jr, is an artist with a plan, since 12 years old she has manifested each moment in her career. Making moves with meaning to help spark inspiration and change within those around her and within her community.
Back in 2021, just one year after the outbreak of covid-19 the artist felt inspired to make her next fashion show about the ways that the world can be a brighter place by simply nurturing the ideas for issues we face every day. She begain by doing research to develop the meaning behind each indivual garment and from there set out to find the talent she needed to bring the project all together.
"All of my projects are funded by myself, I knew that the hardest part would be how am I going to fund this monster of a project that I have in my mind?"
The designer decided to look within and asked herself, Why would anyone work with me? That answer was...
She lead that project with this (quote above) in mind and as she continued down the path of creating this show she knew the importance of putting out projects that you believe in. Along the journey of seeking out help she realized that sometimes you can find individuals to help you simply because they believe in your vision and although this help is hard to find it does exist.